Posted by 80sHog
on Mar 4 2011 Filed under 80's Quiz, Headline.
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3 out of 5 – mostly guesses. But take umbrage at the One Hit Wonder reference to Stan Ridgeway. What about Salesman, Drive She Said, The Big Heat, Don’t Box Me In…….let alone his Wall of Voodoo stuff Maybe he wasmore accessible in Australia in the 80s?
2 out 5 and it was all guess work.
Again 4 out of 5….Charlene cost me this time…never liked that song anyway!
3 out of 5 – mostly guesses. But take umbrage at the One Hit Wonder reference to Stan Ridgeway. What about Salesman, Drive She Said, The Big Heat, Don’t Box Me In…….let alone his Wall of Voodoo stuff
Maybe he wasmore accessible in Australia in the 80s?