Anyone for GORF?

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The 1980′s was the time of the Games Arcade. Remember the classic Space Invaders that was in every Fish and Chip Shop, Take Away and Pub. There was even games that were in the form of a table.

Favourite games include Galaxian, TRON, Missile Command, Dig Dug and my personal favourite GORF. I had a cheeky look on e-bay to see if I could afford an old GORF machine, at £995 for one that doesn’t even work properly.. I passed.

 Forget the Wii, get the ATARI out.

Let us know your favourite 80′s Arcade Games.

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Posted by on Sep 7 2010 Filed under 80's Buzz, Headline. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

1 Comment for “Anyone for GORF?”

  1. Lisa Burke

    The arcade game i remember the most from the 80s was one that i first played in Spain, called Phoenix, i was addicted to it, so much so that when we came home from holiday, we went to a shop that did arcade games for the atari, and bought it.

    I also have stashed away in its box one of the first Nintendo consoles

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