Ali’s Top Ten 80′s Movies

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This is really hard. The more I think about it the more films I want to include. The 80’s really was a fantastic time for cinema.
Having initially narrowed my list down to 50!!! I have now decided upon 10 winners…phew, so here goes…

1 The Lost Boys

2 Pretty In Pink

3 Blade Runner

4 Airplane

5 The Goonies

6 Highlander

7 Raider’s of the Lost Ark

8 Romancing The Stone

9 Splash

10 Aliens

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Posted by on Sep 20 2010 Filed under Headline, Top 10 Lists. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

4 Comments for “Ali’s Top Ten 80′s Movies”

  1. DAKS69

    nice cross section of genre’s, Ali, but it’s death, destruction & mayhem al the way for me led by the wee man himself:
    1. Top Gun – “no one will fly with you Maverick”, pick me, Tom, i will…x
    2. Mad Max 2 – Road Warrior & barber, takes nit-picking to another level.
    3. Aliens – This time it’s war…’nuff said.
    4. Stripes – a pre-Hollywood stardom Bill Murray, complete with ice-cream scoop.
    5. An Officer & A Gentleman – if only for the line “that is one bodacious set of tata’s!”
    6. Pretty in Pink – because i do the ironing and i’m in touch with my feminine side & of course the Psychedelic Furs soundtrack.
    7. Cocktail – 2nd entry for the little fella, but more to do with Elisabeth Shue topless under a waterfall in a blue lagoon (swoon!)
    8. Predator – watch it in surround sound, it’ll make you a goddamned sexual tyranosaurus!
    9. Highlander – bad hair days all round, but i am immortal, no really i am!
    10. Die Hard – moved me…to go to the back of the laundry cupboard to search out all of those white vests that mum used to make me wear to school.

    no room for Snake Pliskin although there should be – bad acting, bad movie but cult film!

  2. Edwalters

    1. Back to the Future – Marty’s mum, I would.
    2. A Nightmare on Elm Street
    3. Airplane
    4. Rocky 3
    5. Rocky 4
    6. Top Gun – Nipples
    7. Highlander
    8. RumbleFish
    9. Ghostbusters
    10.Die Hard – Great vest

  3. BDL

    No Weird Science, No Weekend at Bernies? Come on.

  4. 80sHog

    Hi Thanks for your comment, what would be your Top Ten 80s Films?

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