Adam Ant at The Anvil, Basingstoke
It was with a certain amount of apprehension that I first saw Adam Ant and the Good, the Mad and the Lovely Posse last year. Having been a massive fan since Dog Eat Dog I have literally loved everything that the man has ever done. But this was 30 years after his hey-day, my fears were soon put to rest when Adam walked on stage and started singing Plastic Surgery – He still had the voice and the stage presence of a man who has perfected his craft. He launched into hit after hit interspersed with B-sides and album tracks. I don’t know about Adam but after two hours of this onslaught I was exhausted but totally ecstatic, it had been a fantastic night
Five Adam Ant gigs later and here we are at The Anvil in Basingstoke – pretty much knowing what to expect.
However this concert was to be different, this would be my first seated experience, and I had been asked if I would be interested in writing a revue.
So I’m determined that I won’t get carried away, screaming along to all the songs I love. This time I am going to listen and try to give a fair and honest revue.
We took our seats, about 20 rows from the front and I took out my pen and pad, I told you I was trying to be serious
The now familiar sound of Rock N Roll Station by Vince Taylor began to echo around the venue at 8.30 and then the vibrating bass of Plastic surgery kicked in. Adam then walked on stage and turned his back on us “hey you, got a face…..” he started singing as the audience clapped and cheered “ooh, I’m gonna…” he continued as he spun round to everyone’s delight.
Following on with the delightful Dog Eat Dog Adam was sounding incredible as he swiftly moved on to Beat My Guest, upon which I looked at my partner and said “shall we move to the front?”
I knew some people in the front row and they seemed more than happy for us to be alongside them
Kick, Cartrouble, Antz Invasion, Deutscher Girls….. Adam was an unstoppable machine moving around the stage from one side to the other, only occasionally stopping to pose for the audience.
If I’m Honest Adam seemed a little subdued and not as chatty as my previous visits to an Antgig. The only time he spoke was introducing the band and with a short tale about a woman coming down the stairs at Derek Jarmans’ house before launching into Lady.
The floor at the venue was vibrating the whole way through with the beat of Adams’ trademark two drummers and ripping guitar riffs. His voice, strong as ever, momentously leading us through the night
It’s great to hear Adam singing his hits along with many of his not so famous tracks especially when coupled with the mans stage persona.
If you get the chance I strongly recommend that you take the time to go and see him. I don’t know what ‘It’ is but Adam has got It and it’s pulsing through his veins.
This review is published with the kind permission of @robfossey
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My 3rd Ant gig in 18 months and I agree with everything Rob said above, the man is an absolute genius at entertaining although I felt this one lacked the personal touch I had found at the other gigs. l adore Adam and love everything he does also and he certainly hasn’t lost his touch….. And Rob you were more than welcome to observe from the front with the rest of us…. Still a great atmosphere and can’t believe we were so close to the man himself. Anyone who hasn’t seen him should go and see just how good he is, I May be biased but I already have two more gigs booked
Great review Rob! Must have been hard to appraise for once rather than singing along! Well done matey, a very well written piece I must say! Whetted my appetite for my next gig. Sounds like Adam is doing a similar set to the last gig and my only gig ever which was last year…I can’t wait to see Adam 3 times this year, first of which is next week! Woo-hoo!
This review makes me feel young again. I am transported in time when Adam Ant toured the world and I was a crazy teenager and a groupie. So well written, I can hear the music playing as I read. I want to be there, in the front row with the author feeling the beat and singing along. I do intend to see Adam Ant in October in Philadelphia. Thanks to the author of this article, I am more excited than ever.
A great review of Adam Ants concert in Basingstoke. I went to see him at the Applecart Festival in London and he didn’t even say anything at that one. You are right Adam Ant has got “Something” That man could just stand still and do nothing but still be sexy. He’s amazing and this is great. Loved reading it.
Thanks for writing such a thoughtful review of the show. It’s great for those of us who won’t be able to see him perform until the US tour to be able to know that it will absolutely be worth the wait. It’s also nice to read a review from the perspective of a fan but is also objective. -Jen
Great review, Rob. I was in Row F and was also apprehensive about a seated gig but I had the most amazing view of the whole stage, whilst being at eye level with Adam. I literally stood there drinking it up (and confusing myself trying to take pics with my old digital camera- gave up in the end and concentrated on the music!).
I agree that Adam did seem a bit quiet, tired I thought. I hope he gets a good rest before the next few gigs he has coming up! Having said that, the music was still amazing, his voice spot on and the double drummers just add excitement and intensity to the set. I was fascinated by Yola on drums, she was amazing! I can’t wait for my next Antfix!
Excellent review Rob. Reading it made me feel like I was there listening and watching you. You made the concert come to life through your writing. You are absolutely right about Adam having amazing stage presence and is an exceptional performer. Having seen all of his concerts in the past, I am truly looking forward to seeing him here in October in NYC. I, honestly, wasn’t sure what to expect since his comeback but after reading your review I am assured that it will be a spectular performance.
great review – makes me even more excited for his coming gig in L.A.!