A Unique 80s Top 10
10 Images of Fire by Fatal Charm
9 Brother Bright by Cava Cava
8 Like Dust by The Passion Puppets
7 Kiss Me Now the Fruits of Passion
6 Youve Got to Love by the Lilac Time
5 Why Do You run by The Ward brothers
4 Dont Tell Me Lies by Breathe
3 Eds Funky Diner by Its Immaterial
2 Been In Love Before by Cutting Crew
1 I Know That Mood by Shooting Party
All of these should have been massive hits and still define the era to me and much of the material featured is from the Siren records rosta of the time-happy hunting it all out! martin k
Kindly supplied by martinKitcher@gmx.co.uk
Short URL: http://80slegends.com/?p=1386