Archive for: June, 2012

No Sleep ’til You’ve Finished this Quiz

Ace_of_Spades - Courtesy Wikipedia

Try our Motorhead Quiz, will you be a joker?

Fine words indeed

Dead_Or_Alive_Pete_Burns - Courtesy Wikipedia

Can you name the 80s Stars behind these quotes?

The Agony of Choice, seriously it was Agony

Cover-sun-big - Courtesy Wikipedia

In response to @kencampion, here is The 80s Hogs list of Favourite 80s Number 1′s.

Take one from each to make Ten

Amadeus_ - Courtesy Wikipedia

A Favourite Number 1 from each year of the 80s as seleced by @kencampion

Masquerade (The Skids, Poole; Dorset, 1980)

Skids - Cortesy Wikipedia

Some more memories of the early 80s by Martin Kitcher

80sLegends Poll

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